Happy parents, morning of his birth

As August 28th rolled over on the clock, a new baby boy met the world. One minute before midnight, I looked down at Emily and said, "you know it's..."
"I know", she eked out. Her birthday - 34 years earlier.
And Beckett's birthday today - in 5 minutes. He's perfect at 7# 9oz. Actually, 1 week later, he's just passing the 8lb. mark, a healthy eater, decent sleeper, and yes, perfect. We've had a blessed string of visitors - family and friends, bringing well-wishes and congrats, food, and helping hands. It's been a surreal and excellent experience so far. I'm sure I'll post absurd amounts of pictures and drivel about the cuteness of the baby and all the things we do with him - looking at him, reading to him, looking at him, etc.
A Slideshow of Beckett's first days
...ain't he cute?
He is soooo beautiful!